Saut Jaya Environment is a general contractor company and general supplier engaged in Air Pollution Specialist.
Our work includes Design - Fabrication - supply - install - test - commission - maintenance and service.
We also provide Filter commonly used for industrial needs with various types and sizes of filters tailored to the request.
The letter we convey as an introduction to the company Mr / Ms in meeting the needs of the Company.
Here are some Product Types Saut Jaya Environment:
1. Dust Collector; Pulse Jet Dust collector, Portable dust collector, Shaker dust collector etc.
2. Cyclone; Cyclone Fabrication, Double Stage Cyclone-Fine Dust, Cyclone dust collector etc.
3. Scrubbers; Vertical Counter Current Scrubber, Horizontal Mist Eliminator, Wet Scrubber, Horizontal BOC Scrubber etc.
4. Fans; Belt Driven Axial Fan, Various Impeller Design, Centrifugal Fan, blower etc.
5. Ducting Hood and accessories; Hood for Pharmaceutical Industries, Hoods and Ducting for Rubber Industries, Rotary Valve, Ducting System, Logic Control Program etc.
6. Filter; Filter Bag, FBD Filter, Filter Press, Nylon Mesh Filter, Wire mesh, Air Filter, Hepa Filter, catridge dust collector filter, etc.
(Material, Size and Shape we customize with request)
That's the explanation from us. If any thing you want to know more please Mr / Mrs contact us. On good cooperation we thank you.
Best regards,
Saut Filter
Manufacturers dust collector, dust collector supplier, dust collector selling, selling squen dust collector.
Selling filter bag, selling filter press, selling cyclone, selling blower, selling centrifugal fan, selling hepa filter, selling medium filter, selling pre filter, selling scrubber, selling celenoid valve, selling pressure gauge, selling ducting, selling catridge dust collector vacuum filter, selling water filter, air filter selling, selling ahu filter, selling conveyor, selling bag cage, selling cage retainer, selling filter cage, selling hydraulic filter, selling separator filter, selling nomex filter etc.
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